Yesterday was a fairly busy day it was a fairly busy day with neuro diversity day at the recovery cafe, we made slime had a quiz and emotion charades.
I realised in the quiz my processing of info is really slow, so didnt take part in the second part.
My friend came back to mine for the evening and we binge watched station 19.
This morning i was conplemplating my moral beliefs. And how ive always believed god doesnt give you more than you can handle but that conflicts with people commiting suicide. Now im just confused to be honest. Its hard being brought up in a strict religion and not feeling you fit and growing up feeling your treading water where your beliefs and god is concerned, i mean i dont believe the same stuff my family do i guess i try to think things that bring me comfort.
Spent some time at the cafe in mitcham with friends then went to the recovery cafe. Was stressed out but a staff member not listening to me. Ended up writing an email complaining just dont think people think things through sometimes. Im snappy and irrate and i dont think being on my period is helping matters. Cried at another member of staff .
Had a good long chat with a friend now ready for bed.