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Writer's pictureDebby

Surprising Confidence Boosts

Had a quite positive day today! - to my surprise. I accompanied a friend to a apprenticeship job fair, little did I realise it would be beneficial to me. After sitting waiting in front of a nursery stand for a friend, my mind was going ten to the dozen as a former nursery nurse with 8 years experience. Eventually the staff asked if I wanted to come up to the table, at first I said no. But then my instincts kicked in, i sat down explained I wasn't interested in an apprenticeship. However, I have the qualifications, would they still be applicable so many years later? I explained I was unfairly dismissed due to depression in 2011 and struggle to get work in the field after that. They explained I just need to do paediatric first aid and would be happy to be in touch to arrange an interview for a position. This has both built up my confidence but also I find this bewildering and scary too.

Having been out of work for so long having mental health and sensory issues I'm not sure I'd be fit for a nursery but its nice to know my options aren't completely a dead end. Its left me with a lot to think about...

Following this I had a lovely lunch and talk with my friend and I'm grateful to have someone so supportive and understanding of me. We also strolled the charity shops for bargains. Now heading home to chill out feeling like today has actually been a small accomplishment all in all. I'm not ready to run into that job opportunity but it given me some food for thought and I'm not a lost cause despite my issues!

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