Havent posted the last few days, yesterday was a day of period pain and just watching tv. The day before i saw my new care coordinator which was short and sweet and then she called me to ask me to come back and collect my stockpiles of meds, i lied said i was on the bus so she said id have to get them on the 8th which is ridiculous as basically it means that theyve stockpiled my stockpile with intention of giving it back to a known overdoser. Which triggered me so much i took night meds in the day and night just to stop myself doing something stupid.
Today i got my blood test results back and im finally not aneamic or lacking vitamin D. Now i just need to work on my fluid intake.
Frustrated that my complaint about my care coordinator and my support workers complaint got rolled into one and its unacceptable.
Had a good rant at my support worker today.
Chillin with my mate tonight watching station 19.