Well my morning was completely pointless today as i turned up to CNS for appointment only to find it was never confirmed. So wasted my time and my stress.
Went and collected meds, back to my parents. I have a record going with their dog at the moment, seeing how many treats she can fit in her mouth everytime im over there i increase the pile by one - she of course loves it. So far we are up to 4!
We went into the local town for a drink and chat with friends got mum to help me with my bathroom a little.
Taken me over a week to figure how to get a blood test done as the surgery gives you a form but doesn't tell you the systems changed.
Love my mum the closest I get to doing small talk is when we are standing at the bus stop waiting for her bus and I said is that a Calico cat she said are you just making words up now so I googled it to prove I wasn't then i said so you've seen Maine coon cats right she said no so I had to Google that to show her. Don't think she believes a word I say lol.
Been watching films again tonight trying to stay chilled out ready for my busy day tomorrow. Watched outlander and now watching rebel moon.